Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Funny Kids Saying

Kids always say the most funny, random & sometime very insightful things. I love to write down some of the things my kids say & also love to hear what others come out with too.

I’ve done this in a few different places in the past, but have decided to bring it in as a regular feature to my blog here.

Each Sunday I’m going to post something funny a small person has said as submitted by you guys, my readers.

If you want to join in just email me (sarah@hawkercentral.com) a funny thing you’ve heard a child say, or you can use the contact form above.

Feel free to also add a copy of the button onto your blog too (if you have one).

And now for our first funny thing, this one comes direct from one of my monsters from a few years ago….

Mr 4: Mummy how old is our cat?
Me: 16
Mr 4: She’s big

Then we went back & forth me saying he was 50, 36, 93 etc & Mr 4 saying no I’m four over & over

Me: How do you know you’re four?
Mr 4: It’s just my number mummy, that’s just how old I am
Me: But who told you?
Mr 4: No-one, it just is my number